New Fishing Regulation for Hamm Beach

A new Harbourmaster’s Direction for fishing Hamm beach in Portland harbour is coming into force on January 1, 2024.

Under the new regulations, a new group will be formed called the Hamm Beach Fishing Group (HFBC). To fish Hamm Beach, fishers will need to be a member of this group.

The principal idea is that members will self-police their activities and will also, along with the Portland Harbour Authority, have some say over the membership of this group, therefore maintaining high standards of equipment and practice.

This regulation follows a review of feedback gained when Portland Harbour Authority undertook a consultation with fishers via its Harbour Consultative Committee representative on Fishing Interests.  The consultation was the result of several safety related incidents that took place off Hamm Beach this year.

Portland Harbour Authority has made longstanding efforts to ensure different users of the waters off Hamm Beach can do so safely and without incident, including fishers and leisure users such as windsurfers and kitesurfers.

It held its consultation following reaction to an initial proposal to prohibit all potting and netting in the area.

It is noted that not all fishers took part in the consultation but we trust the new regulations will receive the co-operation and compliance of all who wish to fish the beach.

We understand the views of fishers in relation to use of Hamm Beach by leisure users, who will also have to take responsibility for their own actions and safety. 

We will endeavour to try and raise standards within the leisure community and issues will be raised with the Hamm Beach Users Group.

More information will be found on the Port’s website during December.

Alternatively contact the Harbour Office on 01305 825336 or email

Admin: 20th Dec 2023 18:07:00

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Portland Harbour Authority Advanced Warning

Portland Harbour Authority Advanced Warning

All kitesurfers, windsurfers, wingsurfers and users of Hamm Beach water space are advised that a line of alternating red and yellow buoys, will be established on the southern and northern boundary of the seasonal exclusion zone, in the next 10 days.

Admin: 8th Jun 2024 13:43:00

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