Vessel in distress? Your call can make the difference…

A recent rescue in Portland Harbour showed the value of teamwork and the importance of raising the alarm as soon as possible.

Late in the afternoon of Sunday February 25, a concerned member of the public called the Portland Harbour Authority Office about a 35ft yacht believed to be in distress near Castle Cove.

Through a break in the rain, the duty team were able to locate the vessel with CCTV and binoculars and then assess the situation.

The vessel was dragging anchor fast towards shore and, with damaged sails, was in trouble. The Duty Marine Officer immediately called Solent Coastguard who deployed both Weymouth lifeboats and the Portland Bill and Wyke Coastguard Rescue Teams.

The Duty Marine Officer continued to update the coastguard about the position of the yacht until the Weymouth Inshore Lifeboat was on scene. The first informant also kept providing valuable information from their observation position at Castle Cove Sailing Club. The vessel and crew were safely assisted to the shelter of Portland Marina.

Solent Coastguard, volunteer Lifeboat Crews, volunteer rescue teams, the Port and the eyewitness all worked together to help a vessel in distress.

The sea can be a dangerous place and your call can make the difference.

If you see anything in and around Portland Harbour that raises your concerns, call the Portland Harbour Authority Office on 01305 825335 or 999 and ask for the Coastguard.

(Should Emergency Services be contacted directly please advise Portland Harbour Radio on VHF Ch. 74 as soon as possible)

Admin: 1st Mar 2024 12:15:00

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Portland Harbour Authority Advanced Warning

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Admin: 8th Jun 2024 13:43:00

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